Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Pregnancy Update - 23 Weeks

I'm one week away from having a "viable" baby. Not that I would ever wish for this little peanut to be born anytime soon, but it's reassuring to make it to this milestone. When I found out I was pregnant with this baby, I never dreamed I would even make it to the 12 week scan but I did. Then I made it to the 20 week scan and now I'm here with a very active little man...only a footstep away for 24 weeks. I think that is how I'm managing to keep going and how I'm managing to stay (generally speaking) focusing on the next milestone ahead. And when I reach it, I aim for the next.

I'm already pretty anxious for my 28 week scan and appointment. We'll be penciling in a rough plan for the delivery and checking that the little man is still healthy. I'm also hoping he'll be tucked nicely in the head down position. I know babies can move around up till about 35 weeks but Freddie stayed breech from 20 weeks till the end and I'm scared this little man will too. I also know plenty of people have had successful births with a breech baby but, after the difficulties it caused me before, I'll be a nervous wreck if I have to go through a breech pregnancy again. I'm trying to work out how he's currently lying but I'm getting movements all over the place so I'm not entirely sure.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm generally doing OK emotionally. Of course Mother's Day was incredibly difficult for me but I persevered and after a morning cry session, I kept myself busy and made it through till the end of the day. I am honestly, loving this pregnancy. I feel so much love for this baby boy, something I never thought I'd be able to feel/say. Every kick or punch feels like he's reaching out to me and he's letting me know that he's doing well. I sometimes wonder if his brother has told him that I'm a total worrier so I need as MUCH reassurance as possible.

Physically I'm doing pretty good too...much the same as my last pregnancy. I was fine and dandy until 27 weeks and then it all seemed to hit me like a tonne of bricks. I'm having bursts of energy during the day but around 7pm, I'm ready for bed! Also, the last two nights I've started to feel some lower back pain. Nothing excruciating but enough to be noticeable. I think it's probably because he likes to sit low and it puts pressure on the bottom of my spine! Work is going well considering too. I'm doing shorter and more consistent shifts so my body has adapted to a bit of a routine which helps.

I feel like I'm jinxing it by enjoying this pregnancy so much and I feel guilty that I'm happy about being pregnant with a baby that isn't Freddie. I'm scared that all this "positive thinking" I'm doing is pointless and that I still won't have a healthy baby at the end of this all. But I know I can't let myself think that way. If, god forbid, something goes wrong, I want to be able to have happy memories to look back on, like I have with Freddie. I also want to make sure I'm not stressed, as I know that it can't be healthy for this baby. So for now I'm just going to take it day by day, one milestone at a time until I hear that scream of a healthy newborn that I've dreamed of for so long.

23 weeks down, 17 more to go.

1 comment:

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